Category Archives: Family

Family Milestones


Family Milestones


It occurred to me that there are milestones in life we all love,
That mean our children are growing up with help from above.
We all cherish these moments that we all hold dear in our hearts.
This poem reviews a few of these moments from the very start.


The photos used as illustrations herein are both my girls and our grandchildren Continue reading

Looking Back


Looking Back


Looking back can be looking over your shoulder to the rear,
Or it can be looking back in the past to reveal what was there.
This poem hits a little on both to expand the subject matter,
With some equal emphasis on both the former and the latter
. Continue reading

The Love In Me


The Love In Me

I had a very hard time bringing my love to the surface at first,
Perhaps, because my Dad was at showing love the worst,
After I married Pam this all changed because she was great,
This poem tells the story of why my surface love bloomed late. Continue reading

Funny How Time Slips Away


Funny How Time Slips Away


Here’s a short poem story that I did once tell before.
I am rerunning it once more before closing the door.
As it will be a long time until you hear from me once more.
It will surely be a while until my writing I again restore.





I thought hard about the time slipping away after I got old,
It is not funny how time slips away so let’s put time on hold.
The time that slipped by over the years is given in this poem.
I want good times back so we can live again and re-know them. Continue reading