Looking Back


Looking Back


Looking back can be looking over your shoulder to the rear,
Or it can be looking back in the past to reveal what was there.
This poem hits a little on both to expand the subject matter,
With some equal emphasis on both the former and the latter





Looking Back

Remember that old old song from somewhere around 1953,
“I was looking back to see, if you were looking back to see,
If I was looking back to see, if you were looking back at me.”
Mom sang it with aunt BuelDine when they were feeling frisky.


 My Mom and her sister BuelDine getting ready to sing  “Looking Back To See” in their prime looking good.











This is the action of young single people that pass in the woods,
When someone passed 
they would like to meet if they could.
They glanced back to see if someone was checking them out.
Back in those days, they had a lot fun in groups walking about.

 I was looking back to see, if you were looking back to see, if I was looking back to see, if you were looking back at me.










I know that even today when I see a shapely lady pass on by,
I look back to see the rear view curves and then wonder why,
Her head is turned and she is peeking back to see with rapport,
If her beauty was enough to turn me around at the age of 74.

Look at that, that old man is looking back at me. 









When we were young and in high school thinking we were so cool,
We had cars that we drove around the Post Drive In like a fools.
We all looked back to see who’s butt was pressed on the window,
As around and around the Post, the Moon on the glass did go


See that mole on the left cheek, that’s got to be Tommy Demmings mooning all the cars parked at the Post Drive In at Borger.










We also drove up and down the Main Street looking back to see,
Who was in that 56 Chevy hardtop that had just honked at me.
Up and down Main we rode because it was the in thing to do.
We didn’t want to miss anything or any friends that we knew


 The 56 Chevy Hardtop was one of the coolest cruising Main Street cars around back in my day.











Looking back at the 1940’s when I was just a very young boy,
I was pretty much care free loving the life that I had with my toys.
I had no pressures or anything to stress me out in the life I knew,
I had a loving family that taught me right from wrong as I grew.

My sister JerrylDine and I enjoying ourselves with no worries growing up in the 1940’s.










Looking back at the 1950’s when we were young without a clue,
Our music was Rock and Roll, Doo Wop, and Rhythm & Blues.
This was the best music there ever was or ever will be to me.
What fun we had listening to this music on the radios, you see

imageThe 1950s brought good music like the world had never heard before. What a fun era to be growing up in with all the new styles and types of music. I loved every minute of the 1950s.










Looking back at the 1960’s when all of us were growing up.
We has the best muscle cars that they ever did or will make,
In fact they have recently brought back the fun cars we had.
There’s the Mustang, the Charger and the Camaro, all so bad.

imageThe 1960s era Ford Shelby Mustang, the Chevrolet Camero, and the Dodge Charger are on the left. The 2015 models of the vehicles are on the right.  I owned the Mustang Mach 1 Fastback of the early era.










I wonder what my grandchildren will see when they look back
At the 2010s, 2020s and 2030s when they reach their golden years.
I hope their memories will be at least as good as mine have been,
As they recall their finest life experiences from way back when





By Bill





Thanks for reading Looking Back,