Family Milestones


Family Milestones


It occurred to me that there are milestones in life we all love,
That mean our children are growing up with help from above.
We all cherish these moments that we all hold dear in our hearts.
This poem reviews a few of these moments from the very start.


The photos used as illustrations herein are both my girls and our grandchildren


Family Milestones


The first milestone is the birth of our children to get things going,
We are all tense and anxious as their life on earth starts flowing.
When they arrive, we are just as happy as we could ever be.
As we check them out from head to toe loving them instantly.





My daughter Tamara with Luke, her first born son, shortly after his  birth.







We talk baby talk to our children from the second they get here.
We are so happy when from them that first word we do hear.
Which is usually “Ma Ma” or “Da Da” as we both jump for joy.
We celebrate and tell everyone so our joy they may also deploy.





That’s my granddaughter Sarah about the time she said Ma Ma looking pretty cool.








Before we know it, they suddenly get mobile and begin to crawl,
They get into everything as they get faster and really do haul.
It’s fun to watch them speed all over the rooms around our place,
We have put up barriers to control their range as they do race.





My grandson Ben fixing to hit the floor to crawl. He didn’t crawl too long as he walked very early.







Ah then, they stand up on their feet and begin to walk around.
That first step sets them in vertical motion and running is found.
Now it is very difficult to keep their running bodies fenced in.
They take more of our attention as we love them for being them.





My granddaughter Sarah taking a step with my grandson Ben watching in his PJs.







We work hard to teach our children to potty sitting on the pot.
When they drop that first turd in the pot, like they were taught,
They are proud as can be, and we praise them as we are pleased.
We hope the end is near for dirty diapers that smell like cheese.





My grandson Zack proudly displaying that first little turd he dropped sitting on the pot.







When the child pulls that first baby tooth, it leaves a big gap,
But before you know it, a brand new better tooth grows back.
The tooth fairy comes at night and takes the very first tooth,
And leaves a prize underneath the pillow of the lucky youth.




imageMy grandson Zack just pulled his first baby tooth last week.








And then, the first day of school comes for our child  fast.
We wonder if they’ll do alright out there in that world so vast.
And they come home with good stories just as happy as a lark.
And continue their education with a special inspired spark.





My grandson Zack on his first day of Kindergarden and Luke on his first day of second grade.







The big day comes when they graduate high school with friends,
This pleases us tremendously making us celebrate to no end,
But it is the start of a financial burden for college next year.
Our child has grown up and it really does make us shed tears.




My daughter Kristi as she is actually being handed her high school diploma from Bartlesville High. She looks like a happy camper.








Off they go for a college degree and they do work so hard.
We keep in touch, pay the bills, and watch their grade card,
Until they have completed enough hours to graduate school.
We proudly watch them as they cross that stage looking so cool.




My daughter Tamara shortly after receiving her bachelors degree from Oklahoma State University with my daughter Kristi who got her degree from OSU a year or two before Tamara.







These milestones are a few in their lives we shared along the way.
They grow from infants to mature adults, as often we do pray
That they will also have the pleasure of raising a nice family,
To love and share their family milestones that you just did see.




By Bill


Thanks for reading Family Milestones,