Fish Pond Garden


Fish Pond Garden


This story poem is about a fish pond project that failed to perform,
And a daughter with a new idea for a project the pond to re-form.
A fish pond garden was the idea to be pursued this time around
As a birthday gift for my wife Pam and with joy she did abound.





Fish Pond Garden


In 2014, our daughter Kristi and her family repaired our fish pond.
We stocked it with perch we caught with our grandkids so fond.
Within three weeks all the perch had died off for some reason.
Perhaps the water was not aerated enough in that fish prison.






Sarah sitting next to the Fish Pond right after we stocked it with perch.





Leaves fell in the pond and the water became nasty and stale,
We noticed an increase in mosquito population without fail.
So we decided to have Kristi redo the pond for Pam’s birthday.
They bailed the pond and opened the drain on a warm Sunday.




Then they filled the pond with many bags of rich planting soil.
With much hard work from her family with their sweat and toil,
The pond garden was ready to receive fine plants and flowers.
Kristi picked out an array from Lowe’s with her fine flower power.




Ben came out from the house and carried three bags of soil,
He decided he had enough when he broke a sweat from his toil.
So he went back in the cool house and watched Disney channel,
As he was into the show “Lab Rats” and the science panel.





Kristi doing her designs on the Fish Pond Garden with pretty flowers and plants.






Kristi laid out the plot plan to receive all the fine growing plants,
And placed them in the plot so they would the garden enhance.
Sarah, who has learned some of her mother’s gardening skills,
Helped with the planting which gave me a big old man thrill.





Sarah jumped in to help layout and plant the flowers in the Fish Pond Garden.





I watched from a lawn chair sitting out on the patio near by.
And hollered directions like I was still engineering on the fly.
She mostly ignored me and continued to do her own thing.
Finishing the lovely fish pond garden for Pam’s birthday fling.





Kristi move the purple flower to the side and put the taller red one in the back. “Settle down Dad, I’ve got this.”




Kristi also planted some cucumber seeds in the garden plot,
As I love to eat those crisp little green tubers both cold and hot.
She put them close to the rock water fall so they can climb up.
I hope they don’t freeze out this fall and my plan do disrupt.




The cucumbers seem like they are growing very slow to date,
So, perhaps this will be a trial run for next year if it’s too late.
The flowers in the garden are blooming just fine for us to enjoy,
They are perennials and they will be back, their blooms to deploy.




The cucumbers haven’t quite made it to the rock waterfall yet. It makes me wonder if they will freeze out before making cucumbers.





I water the new fish pond garden each day that it does not rain.
It gives me something to do and helps a lot to keep me sane.
We thank Kristi and family for this wonderful birthday gift for Pam,
And look forward to many years of beauty so thanks again mam.





The flowers are blooming better now and the Fish Pond Garden is looking good.





If you all out there have wondered why I tell stories with a poem.
It’s because it is more challenging than just words in line form.
The story keeps flowing with rhyming lines of constant length
While maintaining a true refreshing story that does not stink.




By Bill




Thanks for reading Fish Pond Garden,