Category Archives: Music

That Fifties Music


That Fifties Music


When I was I teenager I loved that fifties rock and roll,
As we circled the Post Drive
 In, around we would go,
Listening to Buddy Holly and Little Richard up so loud,
Looking for friends there with our heads in the clouds.

The Post Drive In, Borger, Texas. Check out the cool cars.










We also listened to Doo-wop and Rhythm and Blues,
That sounded so good as we cruised down Main too.
Honking at all the cars we thought that we knew,
Until about mid night when we hit our parents curfew.
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Folksy Country Music


Folksy Country Music

In the 1960s, a style of music developed that I liked,
It was a sort of folksy country that sounded so nice.
I bought all the albums shown herein way back then,
And played them many times as a very young man.







Most of the group’s I liked were rough looking dudes,
That seemed to be interested in Marijuana so crude,
But they harmonized well with fine guitar music all around.
So they grew on me with their different country sound.
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Songs Of My Dad


Songs Of My Dad


Old Pappy liked his music just like most normal people often do,
So occasionally when he was in a good mood he sang some too.
This poem reviews that side of Dad that not many people knew.
Because he never sang in public perhaps for fear of bad reviews. Continue reading