Hello Again


Hello Again


I’ve been away for awhile to rest my old wrinkled eyes from strain,
They’re feeling better now so I’m going to try blogging again.
Today I thought I might talk about a few short little subjects
Of course, you don’t have to read these poems if you object. Continue reading

Single Man Blues


Single Man Blues


Being single living all by yourself sometimes makes you blue,
It can be very boring so we seek out some fun things to do.
If booze is involved, we sometimes can get into some trouble.
This poem reviews a time that my trouble could have been double. Continue reading

Darena Kay


Darena Kay


Since Buffalo Bob has gone on to his home in the glory land,
I have had no one to tease that would not get mad at this old man.
We recently visited with Brenda and Darena Kay in Tulsa town,
And Darena took my teasing well without even a small little frown. Continue reading