Monthly Archives: September 2015

Family Milestones


Family Milestones


It occurred to me that there are milestones in life we all love,
That mean our children are growing up with help from above.
We all cherish these moments that we all hold dear in our hearts.
This poem reviews a few of these moments from the very start.


The photos used as illustrations herein are both my girls and our grandchildren Continue reading

Kids From School


Kids From School

This is a few short verses about some friends of mine in school,
Most of us thought that we were kind of hep and super cool.
But there were those kids that thought their stuff just didn’t stink,
That thought the rest of us were just nerds not fit for their blink.


(The pictures for this Blog came from my 1961 Phillips High School Yearbook) Continue reading

Buffalo Cardinal



Buffalo Cardinal


Sometimes the Lord works his great miracles in mysterious ways.
It’s the tiny small little things that with us often will always stay.
This short poem describes some events that recently occurred,
That may have been worth much more than these few words. Continue reading