Monthly Archives: July 2016

Blog 699


Blog 699

Yes that’s right, I’ve now written 699 blogs with this one,
I only intended to publish a few when I did began the run.
But, I just kept going on and on for almost four years.
Now I have surely said all I wanted to say while I’m here.
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Fine Snacks


Fine Snacks

There are some food snacks that I just refused to eat,
But my Mom and Dad loved them like very fine treats.
I guess they ate those snacks when they were very young,
And developed a taste for them in their lives on the run.
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Carrizo Springs


Carrizo Springs


When we lived in Houston, I got a phone call one day,
It was Mike and my cousin Kristi over Carrizo Springs way.
They invited us to their home to visit and hunt deer there,
So we said that sounds great, we’re gathering our gear.


(We must have left our camera at home as I could find no trip pictures) Continue reading

Pam’s Big Five O


Pam’s Big Five 0

When Pam turned 50, I wanted to have her a big bash.
So I rented the Tuxedo Lions Club Building for $100 cash.
We invited friends from All three of our dancing troops,
The Aces, The Misques, and The Mickey Mouse Group.
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