Blog 699


Blog 699

Yes that’s right, I’ve now written 699 blogs with this one,
I only intended to publish a few when I did began the run.
But, I just kept going on and on for almost four years.
Now I have surely said all I wanted to say while I’m here.




Blog 699

Yes, I have said this four times earlier and still did not quit.
But this time, I have decided for sure this is going to be it.
I think by now I have pissed everyone off a time or two.
If so, you have my sincerest apologies as I didn’t intend to.




But I know I am somewhat sensitive to what others do say.
Perhaps my memory failed me in my writing on some days.
Recalling things a little different agitating you on my way,
I had hoped to get more feed back on the things I did say.




Again, I’m sorry if I offended anyone writing my stuff down,
I know I selected some raw subjects making you frown,
And I teased a little, often acting a bit like a big clown.
I guess I have grown old needing attention that I found.




I tried not to use last names as I wrote my life stories,
As my daughter has copy written all of my story glory.
You may be a big star in a book written when they can,
From those 698 blogs about the life of An Average Man.




Blog 700 will put Old Hawg Jaw to rest for the last time,
I know many of you will be pleased when I end my rhymes,
And you won’t have to hide me on Facebook anymore,
Telling everyone that old Hawg Jaw has become a bore.




My stories were very spontaneous for a long long while
I find myself repeating a lot now with not much style.
So it’s time to find another pastime for this old geezer,
I guess now I’ll work hard at being an old woman teaser.


Sometimes we need to defend ourselves a little.








By Bill



Thanks for reading Blog 699,