Fine Snacks


Fine Snacks

There are some food snacks that I just refused to eat,
But my Mom and Dad loved them like very fine treats.
I guess they ate those snacks when they were very young,
And developed a taste for them in their lives on the run.




Fine Snacks

My Mom served souse meat every New Years Day for luck.
The souse meat has pieces of stuff in there when you look,
Held together with a yellowish nasty looking gelatin stuff,
I ate a little bite one time and the meat chunks were tough.







If you look close at that very yummy looking meat slice,
You can see cows head and feet meat bits so very nice.
There’s also bits of chicken feet meat so tasty and good,
And also pigs face, feet, and knuckles for a fine treat food.




Dad loved that liverwurst lunch meat with mayo on bread,
And often he just grabbed a slice eating it as he read.
Mom also ate that yucky bad smelling dark meat like a fox
And often put liverwurst sandwiches in Dad’s lunchbox.







The liverwurst was made grinding pork liver, fat, and butt,
In with onion and several spices real fine then rolling it up.
Inside a large sausage skin and chilling until cold inside,
Forming brown smelly fat butt liver meat I couldn’t abide,




Dad loved that boudin sausage from down Louisiana way,
When Mom got this treat, Dad would just pork out that day.
He would eat that yucky smelling stuff like it was fine candy,
Mogan David wine and boudin slices made him feel dandy.







Although the Cajuns say that’s the best sausage around,
Made from pork parts, blood, and entrails all nicely bound.
What does bother me is the dark brown color and spots,
Suggests there is a lot of entrails and blood in that rot.




Every once in a while my Mom would cook up cow tongue,
When cooking, it smelled a lot like roast beef well done,
But when she brought it out and laid it on that plate so brown
It looked like a giant people tongue making us kids frown.

.imageYummy, tongue licking good.





There’s no way I would eat the tongue from a cow mouth,
Nor would I taste it, after being raised in the Deep South.
I grabbed me two weenies and boiled them for hot dogs
While Mom and Dad gobbled that tongue like two hogs.




When Dad and I would go fishing he bought us a lunch,
He always got the very same thing for our fishing bunch.
Vienna sausage, cheddar cheese, crackers, and sardines.
He was the only one of us to eat sardines with his saltines








As he opened sardines, the smell of dead fish filled the air.
It didn’t look to me like they gutted those little fish in there.
He would take one out of that can holding it by the tail.
And drop it right in his mouth and chew it up with out fail.




I guess those heads, guts, and tails tasted good as he ate,
Because he ate two cans of those nasty things, I hate.
I loved those Vienna sausage back then for my lunch.
Later, I found out they may be the very worst of the bunch.







By Bill




Thanks for reading Fine Snacks,