Tag Archives: life

Dancing with the Stars

Dancing with the Stars

Dancing with the Stars

I have heard stories of others having the good fortune of running into famous stars and getting to meet them, but I didn’t think it would ever happen to us. What actually happened was beyond anything I could have imagined. Here’s the story. Continue reading

Fuzz Tailed Varmints

Fuzz Tailed Varmints


My granddad used to sit on his front porch and hand feed squirrels. I loved to watch him feed them and I began to think of squirrels as cute little pet like animals. When I became a homeowner in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, my opinion of them changed drastically and I began to think of them as fuzz tailed varmints. Here’s the story. Continue reading




As we plow through the joys and pains of our lives, we develop certain unwritten standards by which we live. Take the time to write them down and you’ll be surprised with what you come up with. Here’s some I wrote down a few years ago. Continue reading

The Fall

The Fall


Sometimes a simple thing like flipping a light switch on can save you a lot of misery and expense. As we grow older, we tend to think we can still do the things we could always do. This is simply not the case. So all you seniors out there be safe. Here’s my story today.

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MaMo and PoPo’s Pride

MaMo and PoPo’s Pride


Like most older people, I love my grandchildren dearly. Occasionally l like to catch some of their character traits in writing. This is a poem I wrote a couple of years ago describing them at that time. Of course they have changed considerably since that time, but I captured my thoughts at the time. Write down some of your thoughts as you get older. It’s fun to go back and read them later. Continue reading

Original Artwork by HJB

iPad Notes App

iPad Notes App


I can hear you now, how can a senior citizen derive enjoyment from Notes on the iPad? I find that my creative juices flow better if I am sitting in my big boy recliner with my feet up and my iPad sitting on my stomach. So when I’m feeling like I want to generate something that might be worth sharing, I turn on the iPad and begin to write.

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