Category Archives: Phillips

Memories Of Phillips


Memories Of Phillips




That town where I was born is gone now forever,
But I still carry some memories no one can sever.
I thought I would document some while I still can,
So Phillips may be recalled when I’m a famous man.




Here’s the story of the Phillips landmarks I did host,
For my dear old hometown that is now just a ghost.
For those of you that may still remember the town,
Here’s a map showing where the landmarks are found.

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Roy Kendrick History


Roy Kendrick History




I was looking through some old boxes in the basement,
When I ran across some good information as I went.
I found a write up with information Mom had provided,
About my grandfather Roy Kendrick’s life where he resided.






So I’m putting it in a blog to pass it on down the line,
To family of mine to read out there in the future sometime.
So we don’t lose track of the man that raised my mother,
As he surely loved all his children and wife like no other.
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