Category Archives: Family

Long Time Cowboy


Long Time Cowboy


My Dad was a huge Dallas Cowboy fan in the days of my youth,
I guess it rubbed off on me as I watched his every move.
Dad knew all the team and yelled bad words at the opposition.
He knew every player by name for each offensive position.
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Moms Are Special


Moms Are Special


My Mom was a very special lady that I loved very much,
Who did all the good things Moms do with her soft touch.
She also did many special things that were just for me.
That I will tell you about in my tribute poem for you to s
ee. Continue reading

Pam’s Big Five O


Pam’s Big Five 0

When Pam turned 50, I wanted to have her a big bash.
So I rented the Tuxedo Lions Club Building for $100 cash.
We invited friends from All three of our dancing troops,
The Aces, The Misques, and The Mickey Mouse Group.
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Craig and Rhonda were coming in last Thursday evening,
But we got a call saying their granddaughter was arriving.
So they headed south to Houston driving a little bit fast,
And Aria was born right at 5:08 PM Friday evening at last.
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