Category Archives: Cars

Names Of My Cars


Names Of My Cars

Sometimes after I had owned some of my cars for a long while,
I would give them some kind of a little name that fit their style.
This poem recalls some of those names that I gave to my cars,
Although now that I recalled them, some seem way out in the stars. Continue reading

Looking Back


Looking Back


Looking back can be looking over your shoulder to the rear,
Or it can be looking back in the past to reveal what was there.
This poem hits a little on both to expand the subject matter,
With some equal emphasis on both the former and the latter
. Continue reading

First Cars

First Cars


I was extremely fortunate when I became old enough to drive because my Dad loved to trade cars. I got to change cars frequently as a result. Everyone remembers their first car no matter how ugly or bad it may have been. Mine was probably on the top of both the ugly and the bad lists. Here the story on my first five cars. Continue reading

The Purse

The Purse


Sometimes you loose some things to theft that are virtually priceless and impossible to replace. I can honestly say that the item stolen in the following theft story does not fall into this category. I would have gladly given the item to the thief and then I would not have had to replace a broken window. The Story is as follows: Continue reading