Monthly Archives: November 2015

The BS Degree


The BS Degree


During the years I supervised young engineers with many degrees.
They all had a Bachelor Of Science in Engineering seemingly,
A few of them had another BS degree that fit them better you see.
Let’s call it theĀ “Bull Shitting me” degree as they did their job poorly. Continue reading

The Moon In The Man


The Moon In The Man

I wrote down a title just to see if I could write a poem to fit it.
With just a little thought, I came up with this before I did quit,
It may not have flowed exactly as I thought it should when read,
But I think it’s not too bad being right off the top of my head. Continue reading

A Story Book Tale


A Story Book Tale

Here’s a poem about a fine young boy who had a curse on him.
It was simply a case of the “Hershey touch” that made him so grim.
He tried so hard to endure his pain resulting from the curse,
But his prayers did fail him and only made him worse at first. Continue reading