You Are My Sunshine


You Are My Sunshine


There was a former Governor of Louisiana named Jimmie Davis that was into country music. He recorded “You Are my Sunshine” in 1940 which was written by The Pine Ridge Boys in 1939. The song became very popular and nearly everyone knew the words. Here’s the significance of the song to me.




You Are My Sunshine


When I was very young, my mother would sing the song to me when she rocked me in the old rocking chair. She sang it to me so much that the main stanza stuck with me over the years. She may have been singing that song to me that day she whacked my finger off with the rocking chair. The main stanza is as follows:



You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don’t take my sunshine away”



When my daughter Tamara was growing up, she was always asking me to sing some of the songs that I learned when I was young. I taught her “Be Bop A Lula”, “Peggy Sue”, “Tutti Frutti”,and “You Are My Sunshine”. Of the four, Sunshine was here favorite. The song kind of became our theme song and we sang it together many times over the years when we got together on happy occasions.



You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine, You make me happy when skies are grey.





So this song that is older than I am, has kind of been very special to me over the years


Thanks for reading You Are My Sunshine,