Smoke That Cigarette


Smoke That Cigarette


When I was young no one told me smoking was bad for my health,
So I got hooked on cigarettes at a very young age hiding in stealth.
It was so very hard to quit when I got older smoking quite heavy.
This poem reviews my experiences and the cost that was levied.





Smoke That Cigarette


I started smoking at a very early age because it seemed so cool,
Even though it often made me cough and hack and even drool.
Before I knew it, I was hooked on nicotine and could not stop.
I enjoyed smoking and it really soothed my nerves quite a lot.





The Surgeon General said smoking is bad for health in 1969.
At that time I wondered if it was true or politics of some kind.
I was too hooked to quit then, smoking two packs everyday.
So I ignored the warnings and kept on inhaling come what may.





Sometimes I would run out of my cigarettes late in the night,
I would dig in all the ashtrays for the longest butts in sight,
And smoke those nasty stinking things to get my nicotine fix.
I wondered what was driving me to pull such a stupid trick.




Wow, there’s some good ones in there. I’ll just brush them off and straighten them to smoke.





I kind of felt like I was a prisoner to that smelly cigarette smoke,
Sometimes I would cough so much that I would just about choke.
But I kept on sucking that stinking smoke deep into my lungs.
By now I was up to three packs a day at times burning my tongue.




We all knew now that smoking caused cancer and other diseases,
I had tried to quit many times and started again the pain to ease.
The strong urge to smoke just out weighted my weak urge to quit,
So I kept on puffing, for breath just a huffing just feeling like shit.





In 1986, the schools taught my girls about second hand smoke,
They ask me why I was killing them with my smoke, no joke.
I thought about it for a while and I now had my incentive to quit,
So I stopped cold turkey, just to keep my girls healthy and fit.






Daddy, why are you killing us with your second hand smoke?




For a full year after I stopped smoking those cigarettes each day,
I coughed up black stuff out of my lungs, what more can I say.
My girls definitely have extended my life by many years in time.
And allowed me to taste food again while I began feeling fine.



What more can I say?



Today, I look around and see so many young people smoking again,
Everyone knows the bad consequences now, have they gone insane.
It makes you think that they don’t care whether they live or die.
No one thinks it’s cool to smoke anymore, so I still wonder why?



Just look at all the good things smoking will do for you young people. You need to quit now.






As you get older, the most valuable thing you have is your health,
It is worth so much more that all of anyone’s worldly wealth.
So all you young smokers out there, think about your future,
And stop smoking while you still can, or die young in pain and sutures.





By Bill



Thanks for reading Smoke That Cigarette,