Drinking Beer


Drinking Beer


There are some people out there that prefer wine over beer,
I don’t really understand how this can be, but I really don’t care.
Like Billy Currington says so well in his recent hit country song.
“I’m pretty good at drinking beer” to which I always sing along.




Drinking Beer


There are a few things I got good at during all my years here,
One of the things I perfected was the fine art of drinking beer.
At the young age of 16, I got my first drink of Coors in a can,
I didn’t like the taste to well, but when I drank it I felt like a man.




The 1959 steel Coors beer can, the church key we used to open them and the old Coors ashtray.



By the time I was 18, I had a fake ID and was going out to bars
Drinking Coors on draft with my friends while smoking cigars.
We would play that eight ball pool and get just a little bit high,
When we left the bar, we hit the dirt roads home, the cops to defy.




When I went off to college, I didn’t have too much money for beer,
But we did go the drive-in movie some with a six pack of cheer.
There were private clubs around campus you joined at the door,
At which we got wasted, then walked on back to our dorm.




After college, I moved into an apartment with my single friends,
We did a shot of beer a minute for an hour to try to  find a win,
All you had to do to win was drink 60 shots and keep them down.
Most of the time we would up chuck getting to much air and frown.



Drinking these 5 twelve ounce beers in an hour, a shot at a time seems like an easy chore, but you get so much air that it usually comes back up.



On Friday nights, we made the rounds to all the bars in town,
To see how many cold Budweiser Beers we could keep down,
We played pool and talked to the girls having fun acting macho,,
Occasionally, we had a party keg in the apartment for show.




Friday night pool at the bars and an occasional kegger kept us entertained in our spare time. 



In Vietnam, you could buy any kind of beer for 10 cents a can,
So we drank a whole lot of beer, maybe a half case per day per man.
They usually had Bud, but sometimes you could only get Black Label,
We drank it often even though Black Label beer tasted like hell.




This was some really raunchy beer, but sometimes it was all we could get in Vietnam.




Later in my engineering career with Phillips, I developed a taste
For quality beer as I traveled the world and the good stuff I chased.
I loved the quality beers that I found all around our big globe,
And learned to appreciate the fine art of brewing beer, the gold.




The best beer I found was in Australia, Germany, and Scotland,
My very favorite beer is Deuchars IPA that tastes so grand.
There are lots of great beers in the world from which to choose,
If you were able to get around and try them all, you would not lose.




I’ve tried all these beers from all over the world. I was able to find excellent beer in every country I went to including South Pacific beer in New Guinea.



Since I spend my life perfecting the fine art of drinking beer,
It seems a real shame that I take so much medicine that I fear,
The alcohol will clash with the meds and put me in the grave,
Occasionally, I say “to hell with it” and chug beer feeling brave.






Some of the beer I drink now when I can get it. Three of them are available locally..

By Bill




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