Camp Kiowa

Camp Kiowa


Most every boy should get to experience America’s Boy Scouts,
It’s a fine group that helps us be prepared for life’s ins and outs.
This poem describes some of the activities that helped me a lot,
And a couple of extraneous activities that weren’t so hot. Continue reading

Road Rage

Road Rage


Some drivers do things while driving that put me into a rage,
I know this is not so good for me, especially in my old age.
This poem documents some of the things that dirty drivers do,
That irritate me to no end and get my temper flaring too. Continue reading






Because of the current state of this great nation of ours,
We sometimes think that the future may not be all flowers.
This poem daydreams of one possible future for us to endure,
That I have discussed on occasion with Buffalo Bob to be sure. Continue reading

Buel Dine



Buel Dine


Sometimes while growing up with families that you love,
One aunt stands out like a beam of light from above,
This poem is about a very special favorite aunt of mine,
That was always so happy that she actually did shine. Continue reading