



This poem started out as a personal sentimental trip
And drifted into scrambled ramblings from my lips
About emotional ups and downs both short and long time
That we all endure in our old age and also in our prime.









When we feel sentimental, it often comes straight from the heart.
Many times it touches deep into our soul and the tears do start.
Losing one of our loved ones can cause us to feel deep sorrow
Because we miss them today, and we will miss them tomorrow.






Often when we go to sad movies we fall into the ongoing story,
And the tears will fall as we feel our emotions in all their glory.
Then the plot changes for the better and we feel so very happy,
And tears of joy fill our eyes and we no longer feel so crappy.






It seems strange that tears will fall when we are happy or sad,
A totally opposite feeling that results in a similar reaction is bad.
Our internal feelings go from extreme to extreme so very fast
While externally there is similar results of tears that do last.






I recall when I was young and went to see the movie, “Old Yeller”
And old Yeller got rabies and was crazy from the animal killer,
They shot the dog and I bawled just like a little bitty baby.
Then replaced him with his pup, and I cried joy tears, so ably.






Can this roller coaster of emotions be healthy for our bodies?
I think it must be OK as long as the joy tears follow the sadies.
It’s kind of like gambling, if you lose first then win it’s great,
But if you win then lose that and more , you feel extreme hate.






The lows from a big gambling loss can last for days and days,
On top of that, it makes you want to go try to win gambling pays,
But often it results in another loss which puts you way down low.
This can be extremely hard on your body and make you hurt so.






On another note, depression can result, so be very careful
With your emotions as you go through this life so tearful
And sad, or you can do damage that may be hard to repair.
Lean on your family and friends because for you they do care.






I always find myself crying at funerals because it’s just so sad,
The thought of a loved one being physically gone is just so bad.
But fortunately the good memories last forever and always,
And slowly time then heals us, but the loving memories do stay.






The sadness is offset by the births of new babies we all love,
The joy of new life makes us feel so peaceful like a dove.
I guess that’s why grandchildren are so precious to all of us
As we grow older while watching their grace and goodness.






Some of the things discussed within this poem are private
That we don’t like to talk about too much as proud primates,
Since it can be somewhat embarrassing to have others look
So deeply  into  ones own soul as if it were an open text book.





By Bill





Thanks for reading Ramblings,