The Kids on Stark Street Part 1
It’s funny how I can remember the names of the kids that lived on my street in the 1950s and I can’t even remember where I went to eat out last week. Continue reading
The Kids on Stark Street Part 1
It’s funny how I can remember the names of the kids that lived on my street in the 1950s and I can’t even remember where I went to eat out last week. Continue reading
Boys Toys
When I was a kid, most of the boy toys were based on mechanical and physics principles. Today they are almost all electronic. Here are a few of the toys I played with. Continue reading
Sulphur Springs Shorts
Just a few shorts from my Sulphur Springs, Arkansas Memories Continue reading
Bachelor House
From November 1967 to November 1968, my buddies and I lived in a bachelor house in Phillips, Texas. We sowed a few wild oats in those single years. The featured pictured is Monroe and I in the living room of our bachelor house in Phillips in our bikini underwear. We probably had had quite a few beers and were getting ready to go out when Bob took the picture. This is, I believe, the only picture I have from that year. I assure you that we were just good friends and nothing more. Continue reading
Man From Nowhere
The town that I was born in is completely gone forever. The elementary and high school I graduated from were shut down and converted to office buildings within the fence of an operating oil refinery thus I can’t go back and visit my home town. So I am now and will always be a man from nowhere. Continue reading
How To Be successful
Here’s a few words of advice from an old dog that’s made a few mistakes on his life’s journey. Continue reading
Our Christmas Card 2014
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all this fine year,
We hope everyone abounds will special joy and good cheer.
This poem is to wish all our family and friends Merry Christmas,
With that Peaceful Easy Feeling from the hearts of both of us.
Stocking The Pond
Outings with our grandchildren make us so happy you know,
As we get to be with them as they always continue to grow.
This poem recalls a special day in our lives with them,
When we caught fish and stocked our pond the fish swim in. Continue reading
Safeway Salvage
Summer jobs as a teenager were not always so good,
But we had to make some money so we did what we could.
This poem describes one of summer jobs I did in the heat,
That sometimes would knock me right off of my feet. Continue reading
Church Camp
I wasn’t sure I would enjoy church camp in the outdoors.
But it turned out well and I made good memories galore.
The poem reviews my time in the Palo Duro Canyon scene,
Enjoying myself with other boys of my age in this dream