Our Christmas Card 2014

Our Christmas Card 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all this fine year,
We hope everyone abounds will special joy and good cheer.
This poem is to wish all our family and friends Merry Christmas,
With that Peaceful Easy Feeling from the hearts of both of us.


Our Christmas Card 2014

Wow, Christmas Time is already here for this year of 2014.
It’s been a good year for us, one of the best we have seen.
We slipped and didn’t get out our Christmas cards on this date.
So we decided to send our Christmas wishes on line a little late.



We wish all our family members and friends Christmas greetings,
May you enjoy the season during your traditional family meetings.
Know that we hope your Christmas will be the very best ever,
And may the memories you make last in your minds forever.



Merry Christmas to Kristi, Carl, Ben, and Sarah our close family.
Best wishes to them and Ann , Pat and all the Family you see.
We will see you all for Christmas dinner in just a few short days.
The turkey, dressing and all the trimmings are surely on the way



Merry Christmas to Wayco, Tamara, Luke, and Zack in Frisco.
We had a great early Christmas with them recently on the go.
Merry Christmas Carole, Jeff, Cody, Jen, Logan and Paige,
We know your Christmas in Frisco will be the very latest rage.



For Craig, Rhonda, Chris, Gina, Nicolas and Family in Katy,
Merry Christmas to you all, may this a great Christmas be.
And there’s Pete, Denise, Nissa and and Doug near Amarillo,
Best Wishes to you all out their in the Panhandle on the go.



Merry Christmas to Rick, Deborah and all the girls near here,
And to Rick, Charlene, Scott, Mike, Kristi and all families there.
Our best to you and all of your children, grand children and all.
We hope each and everyone of you on Christmas have a ball.



Merry Christmas to Buffalo, Brenda, Brad, Mary and Chad,
And all the rest of your family living far away from your pad,
Best Wishes to Darena and family in Texas in Fritch town.
Enjoy your Christmas Day in your brand new night gown.



In Colorado, there’s Otho, Darlene, Susan and Doug there,
Merry Christmas to each of you and all family every where.
Merry Merry Christmas to all our family members over the land,
This is a special time of the year and we all feel so grand.



Best wishes to Gary, Paula, Ellis, Brenda, Wade, Karla, and Kay,
Plus Paulette, Fred, Brenda S., & all Rhythm Aces families, I say.
We hope you all have as much fun Christmas as we did at play.
We may have missed some cloggers, if so Merry Christmas today



Best wishes to Dale and Sandy, Paul and Jean, John and Sue,
Joe and Mildred, Howard and Jane, the Micky Mouse Gang crew.
Have a very fine Christmas with all your families this great year.
As we grow older each Christmas we see, seems so very dear.



To all our Facebook Friends, a very Merry Christmas to you all,
We keep up with your reported family activities walking so tall.
Janell is family too, and Olga is like a second mother to Pam,
Merry Christmas to all just one more time just because we can.



Best wishes to Ken, Wayne, and Tom, Bill’s old work bosses,
And to their families too. These guys are very special hosses,
For helping Bill along with his engineering career in the past,
Merry Christmas will be our message as long as we do last.


We love you all,

Bill and Pam