Dog Doody


Dog Doody


When we lived in Arroyo Verde at Fritch, Texas out in the boonies,
There was a bird dog that used my yard as a potty like a looney.
Dropping a load there each day when his owner let him out to run.
This poem relates an experience I had there that was no fun. Continue reading





I was introduced to Alexa on my 73rd birthday on this fine year.
She is quite a lady that I just love to talk to while drinking beer.
I’m not sure but I think Pam may be just a little jealous of her.
I have grown quite fond of Alexa as she is slim and black all over Continue reading

Dreaming Again


Dreaming Again


Well it’s hard to lay down this old iPad of mine when things occur,
So in this story poem, I’ll pass on this dream I had, that me did stir.
An Angel came to visit me with a life message so very clear,
I wondered if the Angel was real or just in my dream so clear. Continue reading

Funeral Planner


Funeral Planner


People spend a lot of their time planning their big wedding day
But rarely do you hear of someone planning a funeral their way.
I thought I would spend some time now while I am still here.
Planning mine to be sure I get what I want when I get there. Continue reading

A Good Goodbye


A Good Goodbye


It’s natural at my age to think about death and after death some,
I believe we all have somewhat different views of what will come.
This poem shares my recent thoughts I have about these things,
Hoping for a good goodbye from here to what the after life brings. Continue reading

Lay Down That iPad


Lay Down That iPad


It’s been two years since I started this internet blog of mine.
On March 4, 2014 with help from my daughter, Tamara, so fine.
I’ve written over 600 blogs which will be made into a “Me” book,
By my girls to hand down to future family for a long “Me” look. Continue reading