Train Songs


Train Songs


I love songs about trains and I guess that I always will,
This blog is a train song game to test your recall skills.
I will give you two lines from a train song and you guess,
The famous train song title to see how many you can get.




The answers will be provided in order at the very end,
Now don’t cheat by looking on the internet my friend,
Until you have compiled all your answers feeling good,
Country folk will get at least 7 of 10 like they should.
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R. C. Cook


R. C. Cook


R. C. Cook, we called Robert, was married to Darena Kay,
My wife Pam’s only sister in Texas on out Fritch way.
He was a very good man that I got to know quite well,
So I thought just a little of this story I would you tell.
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My New Fly Rod


My New Fly Rod

A friend of mine named Rocky reminded me of a time,
Right after I had bought me a brand new fly rod so fine.
We went fishing together to try out my brand new rod,
For the very first time, as I felt so good and very proud.
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Sniper Bill Tale


Sniper Bill Tale

We are going to Broken Bow Lake this next week end,
So I’m writing a tall tale story for all our grandkids again.
I’m making it a little exciting about a guy named Sniper Bill,
I hope you can take the excitement too and maybe get a chill..

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