Osage Hills Adventure


Osage Hills Adventure


Today Kristi and Tamara were here with all our grandkids,
Ben, Luke, Sarah and Zack raring to go so very splendid.
We headed out to the Osage Hills Park on an adventure,
And we had a great time in the green Oklahoma Hills for sure.







Osage Hills Adventure



We were hanging around the house when Zack did say.
I want to go fishing while I’m here with you to start the day.
We called Kristi and told her to “bring the poles with you”,
And we will try the Osage Hills Lake fishing as something new.







We took two cars out there on our fun outdoor journey,
With four guys in a car and four girls in another, you see.
The boys were speaking a language foreign to me.
As we traveled on through Bartlesville kind of slowly.

Okay guys, today we stick together, no girls allowed in our car.











I heard “there’s a Vulpix, grab it quick as it’s rare.”
And “Squrtile, Digglet, Dewgong, and Nidroino, I do declare.
I asked what all those strange words meant that they said,
And they yelled we’re playing Pokemon, you dead head.

Hey guys, is Pokemon that character that looks like a yellow long eared rat?











The boys then had a belching contest out on the highway,
With some pretty raunchy noises, I really must say.
I listened carefully as they all took their belching turns,
Luke won with an awful sound that made my ears burn.

I’m good at a lot of things.






We stopped at Osage Lake and took a quick look,
Then went on down to take a look at the small brook.
The ranger at the station said we could rent canoes cheap,
For $10 each for three long hours those canoes to keep.

Hey this this is a nice lake but let’s go check out the park before we fish.











We checked out the area and found a nice kids playground.
So we stopped and let the kids play and run around.
They had a nice swimming pool and a tennis court too.
Kind of out here in the boonies as we drove on through.

We are going to play a little before we hit the lake in the canoes.











We then headed back to pick up canoes at the Osage Lake,
Kristi, Ben and Sarah, one canoe on the lake did take.
And Tamara, Luke, and Zack launched the other one,
While PoPo and Pam fished at the ramp in the sun.

Push us off PoPo, we’re stuck.




How did Kristi’s canoe get out there so quick.












The canoe paddlers rowed around the lake fishing,
And after a while Tamara caught a nice bass casting.
And we could hear her yell loud all over the lake,
“I’ve got one, I’ve got one, and he’s pulling so great!”

We’re out on our second run after dropping off a couple of canoers.










While the girls were out on canoes running the lake,
I caught three fish from the bank that my joy did awake.
What a great family time we had on Osage Park so near.
I think we will try this again sometime, that is clear.

Not bad for an old man sitting on the bank, huh boys.











As we were packing up to leave Osage Lake and go,
We took a time delay picture of us where the cattails grow.
Which turned out pretty good from a phone on a log,
Standing next to a boat, with a chair for the Hawg.

Hey you all, we need to come back here and do this again sometime.











By Bill







Thanks for reading Osage Hills Adventure,