Dog Days Of Summer


Dog Days Of Summer


When it’s cold outside, we say I can’t wait for summer,
But when it’s here and is very hot, we say it’s a bummer.
We then find ways to keep ourselves as cool as we can.
As kids 5 to 8 years old, here’s what we used for a fan




Dog Days Of Summer


I recall summers as a boy playing around in the grass
In shorts without a shirt and barefooted running so fast.
It was so hot that we soon turned on the lawn sprayers.
Running into the spray cooling us answering our prayers.




We played in that water for hours having very much fun,
Making our time outside a pleasure in that old hot sun.
Our little wet bodies turned to rich golden brown tone,
Matching our gold hair and green eyes that both shone.




The town of Phillips had a great well maintained pool.
When you went in, it cost 10 cents to swim and get cool.

You got a numbered safety pin to pin on your swim suit,
That matched a clothes basket for your clothes and loot.




On days when my Mom could find just a little free time,
We would go to the Phillips swimming pool so fine.
And swim and dive with the big kids in the very deep end,
As my sister and I could both swim like fish with big fins.




They had a life guard on duty all the time at the pool
Who yelled loud if you ran on the wet concrete like a fool.
If you got yelled at twice, you were kicked out for the day.
But, we were smart enough that we always got to stay.




We played fun games in the pool like water tag and polo.
We went after coins thrown into the deep end diving solo,
And dived and cannonballed off the wooden diving board.
Such fun this was for us, as our good times meter soared.




Sometimes when we were swimming and having a ball,
If we had to pee, we would just let it rip standing up tall.
We felt the area under our suit warm up just a little bit,
But soon it was gone and no one knew anything about it.




I always wondered if I was the only one let my pee flow
Into the pool water, but I really just do not think it is so.
Thank God for the chlorination system to kill those germs.
And keep our young bodies safe from possible harm.




We had a window swamp box to keep us cool at home
It was based simply on evaporative water cooling alone.
Surprisingly, this worked well as local humidity was low.
They were a bit noisy, but we liked the very cool air flow.




My favorite place to go to sleep in the hot summer time
Was the floor in front of the swamp box cool air stream.
I guess Dad must have picked me up off the floor a lot
To put me to bed asleep so I wouldn’t notice it was so hot.



By Bill



My grandchildren also also have learned how to keep cool during the dog days of summer.  That’s Ben, Sarah, Zack, and Luke.


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