Chasing The Wind

Chasing The Wind


My cousin Scott could run like the wind, so if he ever got a head start on you, you might as well forget it. Here’s one story I recall.





Chasing The Wind


My cousin Scott was my Aunt Buel Dine’s wild child who happened to be born with 4 Teats. My aunt said the doctor called him bulldog when he delivered him because of this unusual condition. Perhaps this was what gave him the drive to perhaps get into more mischief that most children. Scott was a couple of years younger than me and he was over at our house on Stark Street when I was 12 years old. We had just given my dog Tuffy a bath in a wash tub in the back yard and I had pulled him out and was drying him when Scott got one of those mischievous ideas. He picked up the tub of nasty smelly soapy dog bath water and dumped it over my head. Well this just burned my ass and by the time I got my eyes cleared and stood up he had a 50 yard head start on me.




That’s my dog, Tuffy, shaking after we gave him a bath in the tub in the back yard.




I took off after him and chased him at a full run for about 10 minutes. When I stopped and walked, he stopped and walked. Then I started running again he started running again always maintaining that 50 yard advantage. I chased him for an hour or so and finally gave up. I was tired, I smelled like a wet dog, and I had cooled down a lot by now. I walked back home plotting ways to get back at Scott when I got home. When I arrived home, I found that Tuffy had rolled in the dirt when I left him to chase Scott. So I started over and gave him another bath and put him inside after I finished. I didn’t see Scott any more that day, so I assumed he had walked back to his house. I’m sure I at least tried to retaliate sometime in the future after that, but I don’t recall so I not sure I was ever successful.




This is my cousin Scott who could run like the wind asking me if I want to help him give his dog, Pickle, a bath in the back yard. Heh heh heh, payback time.



Thanks for reading Chasing The Wind,