Category Archives: Tall Tale

The Hawg Jaw Rap


The Hawg Jaw Rap


This is just a pipe dream that I made up off the top of my head,
Even old men need to fantasize a little bit before they are dead.
I guess I could have used young ladies instead of old women,
But, my old heart would never hold out with young chicks herein. Continue reading

A Story Book Tale


A Story Book Tale

Here’s a poem about a fine young boy who had a curse on him.
It was simply a case of the “Hershey touch” that made him so grim.
He tried so hard to endure his pain resulting from the curse,
But his prayers did fail him and only made him worse at first. Continue reading

Waj Gwah


Waj Gwah


This is just a silly little story poem probably not worth your time,
So please don’t read it unless you’re drinking a fine red wine,
As it is what I call a bit of very dry humor only for very high I Q’s.
Now that I’ve got your attention, you must read it or you lose. Continue reading

The Horseless Headman


The Horseless Headman


When a good story gets told, it changes just a little each telling,
Eventually, it is no longer recognizable and much less compelling.
This poem demonstrates how a good story can be lost forever.
By just changing a couple of word prefixes mixing them together. Continue reading

The Tree


The Tree


I had a long dream about the possibly of being a green tree.
But after I lived my life from the trees perspective a while you see,
The poem describes why I just decided to continue to be me,
Rather that living the life as a growing thinking green tree entity
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