Category Archives: Tall Tale

A Ride In The Jungle


A Ride In The Jungle



Sometimes I write down a title of what I’m thinking about
And I sit down and just start writing whatever pops out.
It’s fun to free style to see if a poem will even make sense,
As a tall tale is written in minutes trying not to sound dense. Continue reading

Hawg Jawcito


Hawg Jawcito


This is a tale of Hawg Jawcito and a chance meeting,
With a young lady called Chakita at the first greeting.
He was excited with this chick who was already married.
But she told him of her sis and the love that she carried.


I love to tell these tall tales off the top of my old head,
Don’t  get excited as there’s no truth in the words I said,
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Sniper Bill Tale


Sniper Bill Tale

We are going to Broken Bow Lake this next week end,
So I’m writing a tall tale story for all our grandkids again.
I’m making it a little exciting about a guy named Sniper Bill,
I hope you can take the excitement too and maybe get a chill..

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Another Bedtime Story


Another Bedtime Story


Every once in a while, I write a bedtime story for my grandkids,
That I can tell them when I see them and it’s time to go to bed.
This poem bedtime story is about two mischievous ferrets,
Who were brothers that both just loved to snack on carrots.
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A Walk In The Woods


A Walk In The Woods


My grandsons Luke and Zack occasionally like a bedtime story,
So I prepared this poem for them with both suspense and glory.
Try reading it to your grandsons when they get fairly tall.
I’m sure they will be able enjoy it then, and understand it all. Continue reading

Retired Engineers


Retired Engineers

These poems are tall tales of retired engineers that could be true,
Who did things a little different than the average person might do.
And were criticized by others before they knew all of the facts,
So don’t judge old guys too fast that may be smarter than they act. Continue reading

A Fairy Tale


A Fairy Tale


Sometimes I get a yearning to write tales from the wild side.
About stuff that just pops into my head that I have never tried.
This poem tale is one such story that I decided to write down,
With Ben and Sarah as guest stars occurring far from our town. Continue reading