Monthly Archives: February 2017

That Fifties Music


That Fifties Music


When I was I teenager I loved that fifties rock and roll,
As we circled the Post Drive
 In, around we would go,
Listening to Buddy Holly and Little Richard up so loud,
Looking for friends there with our heads in the clouds.

The Post Drive In, Borger, Texas. Check out the cool cars.










We also listened to Doo-wop and Rhythm and Blues,
That sounded so good as we cruised down Main too.
Honking at all the cars we thought that we knew,
Until about mid night when we hit our parents curfew.
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Things That Irk Me


Things That Irk Me


I pulled this last blog from the trash to end this run,
It’s a little on the gross side and you may not have fun,
Reading about the yucky stuff that I wrote all about,
But now you’re curious and will read on there’s no doubt.




You know when you see one of those awful things,
That turn your stomach and the puke nearly springs,
These are the things I’ll be talking about some today,
So get prepared and read on down or be on your way Continue reading