Saloon Toons


Saloon Toons

These Bighead toons did not come from a saloon,
Instead saloon was a good word to rhyme with toon.
So just don’t expect any barroom toons as you look,
And you may not be disappointed by the peek you took.






Saloon Toons


This bunch of 21 Bighead toons may be a little loose,
As my eyesight on these was then somewhat obtuse.
You may still be able to recognize some on the dudes,
Even though their Bigheads may be just a bit crude.






























My daughter Tamara was here to visit last week,
When she took a picture of me looking a little meek,
As I was drawing one of this batch of Bighead toons,
Sitting at home at our own table, not in the saloon.






























I hope you saw at least toon one you liked just a little,
My favorite was in the outhouse as the guy did diddle,
Dropping that brown bomb right into the deep hole,
With someone peeking in through the big knothole.






By Bill



Thanks for reading Saloon Toons,