Sausage Delight


Sausage Delight


Sometimes when Pam wants a quick dinner for two.
Hawg Jaw whips up sausage delight out of the blue.
It’s quick and so easy and it tastes very good too.
So read on down and I will share what I do with you.







Sausage Delight.


Chop 1/2 of an onion to 1/4″ chunks in a small bowl.
Slice one fresh green jalapeño in 1/16″ slices cold.
Then throw the jalapeño slices in on top of the onion,
And set that bowl aside to use later for some fun.










Cut one medium green zucchini squash to a 1/8″ slice.
Then put it aside in a separate bowl looking so nice.
Cut up a green pepper in 1/2″ chunks in another bowl.
Then pull out 1/2 of a small sack of baby carrots so bold.










Now all the veggies are ready to go sitting in a row.
Get out two cups of instant rice and boil water slow.
You want the rice to be ready when stuff gets done,
So you can eat the meal all together on a fast run.










Get a Beef Polska Kielbasa sausage from the freezer.
And defrost it slowly in the micro wave ala geezer.
Pull it out and cut the sausage in 1/4″ slices so thin.
Get a cup of water and set it close to the stove then.











Get out a good pan and coat the bottom with olive oil.
Throw the sausage in pan with high heat on the coil.
Brown that sausage while stirring the whole time,
When brown, throw in onions and hot peppers so fine,






Add a little water to keep the pan from getting dry,
And cook about five more minutes with heat on high.
Next throw in the carrots and add more water then,
Then cook for about seven more minutes once again.






You must stir the mixture right along until through.
Next add the cut zucchini and green peppers too.
And just a little more water so the pan won’t get dry,
And cook until the peppers are still crisp on the fly.






Remove from heat as the stuff is now ready to eat,
Pam tells me this fine tasting dish is hard to beat.
I love the stuff too dished over hot rice looking so nice.
We have this meal every month about once or twice.

Sausage Delight ready to eat.










This is pretty darn easy for an old man like me to cook,
I sit on a stool and dump then stir with a serious look,
Feeling real good about how the meal did turn out,
Sometimes resulting in a “damn that’s good” as I shout.

Hot damn, I’m good.







By Bill



Thanks for reading Sausage Delight,