Monthly Archives: August 2014




My Dad was never a person that expressed his love verbally. He never once told me he loved me verbally until he was 80 years old. He didn’t have to say the words because you just knew he did. I think it may have been his attachment to an old dog that finally allowed him to say the words. I have never seen a man get so attached to a dog as he did. Continue reading

Wall Eyed Pike

Wall Eyed Pike

Wall Eyed Pike

Living about 6 miles from a great Wall Eyed Pike lake definitely has it’s advantages. One evening at Lake Meredith, my dad and I experienced some of the finest fishing I have ever seen in my life. The story is given below. All of you seniors need to get out to any lake and drop a line in. Then drop me a line and tell me how you did.

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The Cooker

The Cooker

The Cooker

Some of my fondest memories occurred when my two daughters were very young. Also there we’re some memories that are not so good that were real learning experiences for both me and my daughters. The following memory falls into the learning experience category. Continue reading

The Lost Dog


The Lost Dog


Sometimes we become so attached to our pets that they are like one of the family members. If we lose them it is truly a heart felt loss. We lost our miniature poodle on a family trip and we were devastated with the loss. Here’s our dog gone story. Continue reading