What Are Fingers For


What are Fingers For


I thought about what the four individual fingers are for a little bit and the following story relays a few of my thoughts.


What Are Fingers For


The index finger is perhaps the most important of the four fingers. I came up with four primary uses for index finger. Possibly the most important use is of the index finger is pointing. We actually point at things all the time as we make comments like …”look at the hooters on that girls over there..”. Perhaps the second most important use of this finger is picking our noses. We try to do this function when no one else is looking, but sometimes we get caught in the act. Use of the index finger for pulling the trigger of a gun or rifle is perhaps the next most important function of the index finger. The last and perhaps the least desirable of the functions is done by the doctors when we get our physicals. They use a rubber glove and ream us out to check for growths in dark places.



 Some of the uses of the index finger as discussed above.


The little or pinky finger is perhaps the second most important finger. The primary use for this digit the “Pinky Swear”. This is used to two parties want to guarantee the success of a mutual project, so they seal the deal with a pinky swear. Perhaps the next most important function of the pinky is to pick wax out of our ears when we are out in public and don’t have cotton swabs available. An important function for sure. The third function is picking large chunks of meat out of our teeth before we get access to toothpicks. I usually can’t wait until toothpicks are available. The fourth most important use of the pinky is in conjunction with the index finger when a Hook Em Horns is in order.



Some of the important uses of the pinky finger as discussed above.



The ring finger is the next most important finger. I only came up with one use, but it is an important one. This finger carries our wedding rings for our life time. An important function for sure.



The wedding ring holding finger is an important function for this digit.



The least important finger is the middle finger. Let’s face it, there is only one use for it and that is flipping the bird.  I think everyone has flipped the bird at least once or twice in their life either in anger or just for fun.



Some pictures of famous people who felt the need to flip the bird for one reason or another.



Thanks for reading What Are Fingers For,

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