Walking The Mountain Trail


Walking The Mountain Trail

I have always loved spending time up in the mountains so high,
In the crisp cool air with the beautiful scenery and a clear sky.
This Poem discusses walking the mountain trails being so aware.
Of the peaceful easy feeling I always get from just being up there.




Walking The Mountain Trail

A walk on a mountain trail in summer can take your breath away
With the wild flowers in full bloom with their beautiful bouquet.
The flowers are surrounded with so many buzzing honey bees.
And a refreshing smell of pine is in the air from the tall tall trees.







As I walk along, a quick movement suddenly catches my eye,
As two little white striped brown chipmunks go scurrying by,
Looking for nuts that have fallen from PiƱon trees on the trail.
They’re actually quite tasty little nuts as they wag their tiny tails.







This trail was likely made by the Elk going to the river to drink,
From the high mountain meadows where they feed, I do think.
I sometimes see them heading down in the very late evening,
With their majestic horns high and their big chests just a heaving.







I hear the sound of a red headed woodpecker digging out beetles,
From the bark of the fragrant white pine tree with its long needles.
The rat a tat tat tat sounds is like a hammer tapping on the trunk,
As he taps his tunes to get to those tasty little critters for lunch.







I always get a natural high walking up on those mountain sides,
With the cool fresh air and all the beautiful scenery there alongside.
What a way to spent an afternoon with the attractions there.
With wild animals along the trail there lurking almost everywhere.







I just flushed a coyote hiding there in the bushes on the right,
He is so thin in his gray colored coat running there in his fright.
On up the trail I go taking nature’s wonders all in, walking so slow,
There is a bald eagle soaring up there on the wind as up he goes.







I top a small peak and there in the meadow just down below,
Is a herd of Elk calmly grazing along as the breeze calmly blows.
They look so grand there in the wild not owned by anyone at all,
So I sit and watch them for a hour standing there grazing so tall.







If there is a near heaven, to me this area in the summer, is it.
As I watch, a doe deer and two fawns walk by near where I sit,
So close I could almost reach out and touch them on the side.
I freeze and take in this sight bringing me higher enjoying the ride.







I think it’s better sometimes to walk on the mountain trail alone.
So you can walk in silence and think about things you are shown,
In Gods country up there on those mountain sides so very great.
Every thing is so real and natural there at that place He did create.




Walking the mountain trail is a great experience for youngsters.
Once they’ve had the experience, they will know of the wonders.
And will come back time and again to get that very great sensation,
An awesome feeling from seeing one of God’s very finest creations.







By Bill


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