The Sky


The Sky


When young, our minds have questions about our world,
We don’t understand all we see around us as boys and girls.
This poem shows that it may take a lifetime to understand,
As we never stop our learning until we make our last stand.




The Sky


As a curious young boy, I often wondered just how high is the sky?
I could see birds up there that looked like tiny dots as they did fly,
Were they up near the very top of the sky close to the ceiling?
Trying to figure this all out often gave me a very strange feeling











The sky often had a beautiful color of a very light pastel blue.
What made just plain old air appear so beautiful to me and you?
It seemed the color was perfect for sky, but I still wondered why.
What a different world it would be if we had a light yellow sky.












I would often see white fluffy clouds just floating by in the sky,
How did they get up there and what was making them fly?
There were all sizes and shapes of clouds hanging up there,
How nicely their white contrasted with blue sky everywhere.








At night, I could see many stars in the sky twinkling all around,
I thought, they look so far away from me here on the ground.
So the sky must extend way out into space and there is no top,
It just keeps going out into space forever and ever with no stop.











During the morning, I could see the sun in the sky at day break.
As it climbed in the sky, it got too bright to look at over the lake,
And I could feel the sun warming my body as it rose in the sky,
I thought it must be on fire up there burning but I didn’t know why.












At night, a moon would come to the sky in many different shapes.
Sometimes looking like fingernails and others like a big plate.
The full moon lighted up a dark night helping us to see things,
As we walked around at night with the light the full moon brings












Sometimes the sky got dark with flashes of light with loud sounds,
As if it were angry about something happening on the ground.
There were 
high winds, hard rain, and sometimes ice balls fell,
As if it were punishing us for something that we didn’t do well.












In the wintertime, why would the sky turn so cloudy and gray,
And soft white flakes of snow fall to the earth during the day?
Our world would turn white making it fun for us to play outside,
Making snowmen and sliding down hills on our long sleigh rides.











As I grew older, my education answered a lot of my questions,
With many physics, geography, math, and science class sessions.
There seemed to be a logical answer for things I had wondered,
But there were some additional issues which I still pondered.







As I got older yet, I found all the answers that I had often hunted,
God put all the pieces in place for our world to properly function,
Blessing us with such great beauty with all of His natural wonders,
And a system that works to sustain us even with our blunders.









By Bill






Thanks for reading The Sky,