Television Commercials


Television Commercials

Have you noticed the new TV commercials are so bad,
Designed to irritate you to the point of being very mad,
Just grating on you so way down deep inside your brain,
Perhaps you will remember the product and not the pain.




Television Commercials


Colonel Sanders died and they replaced him with a devil,
Who has a look in his eye that just seems to be very evil,
And a whining voice that grates at you like no other can,
Making you want to stick that chicken up his rear end.









Then there’s that Progressive Insurance lady named Flo,
With her big fat smile acting like an idiot there on the go,
Keeping that bird from crapping on the car in the driveway,
As if her insurance provides that kind of service today.









That Geico Car Insurance spot with a hateful Peter Pan,
Making fun of old people and kicking that very old man
In the head as he floats by singing that stupid old song,
Makes me want to grab Peter Pan and choke him so long.









That State Farm insurance TV ad “Meet The Hoopers”
Where they stick NBA players heads on bodies in a stupor,
Is so weird making the NBA players look so very doofus.
They must have paid them well, as I know they’re not stupid.








I do remember those commercials that do me so irritate,
But I work hard to avoid their products I’ve grown to hate.
It seems like this has to be the worst advertising style.
Do they really make more money with those bad ad trials?





What happened to those TV commercials that were so fun,
That gave us a real good feeling as our attention they won.
I think that I was influenced into using the products then,
I wish they would make more good commercials again.





Remember the Budweiser Beer commercials that were great.
I loved the Clydesdale horses playing football so first rate,
Then running the field until a touchdown they did score,
And then kicking an extra point to add one point more.








Then there were those cool Budweiser frogs sitting on pads,
With all those amusing things they did making us laugh,
Later they also had Budweiser Lizards that were so cool too.

Who did so many little cute things that lizards sometimes do.









When I heard one of those Budweiser commercials back then.
I usually headed for the fridge to get a cold Bud once again.
I think the commercials influenced me to use their brand,
I hope they’ll go back and make more good ads in this land.








By Bill



Thanks for reading Television Commercials,