South Fork Summers


South Fork Summers


My daughter Kristi and her family are spending a week up at South Fork, Colorado, this week, and she has been sending pictures on the cloud this week. This reminded me that we did a lot of things up there that I never mentioned in previous blogs. I will use some of her recent pictures to describe some of the other things we did up there in the summers. Continue reading

How To Sell An Old House


How To Sell An Old House


To appreciate this blog, you need to first go back and re read the poem in the blog titled “Stark Street” which follows the history of the old house up until the time we put it up for sale. To get to the blog, go to the “Home” blog and type in Stark Street in the search box. When the blog comes up, click or touch the date at the end of the abbreviated blog and the whole thing will pop in. This will bring you to the point following the death of my Mom when we put the house on the market. Continue reading

Home Area Movie Theaters



Home Area Movie Theaters


When I was a kid in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s, I got to go to the movies maybe once every two weeks and the quality of the picture was not always great. Today, the kids may watch three or four movies per day in high definition on Net Flicks and/or Amazon Prime sitting at home. When we went to the movies it was somewhat of an adventure. Here’s a little about our home area movie theater choices we had and how we enjoyed them. Continue reading

Dancing In The Street


Dancing In The Street

Over the years from 1987 to 1997, we clog danced with four different clog exhibition teams giving both free and paid exhibition dances for the public. Many times, the only place they had for us to dance was in the street. So dancing in the street became a way of life for us on the week ends and after work. Here’s some of the streets we danced in. Continue reading