It Runs In The Family
Our daughter Tamara visited our home last week,
Helping us do some things while we often did speak,
Of things we did together way back in the far past.
One thing we discussed was our imaginations so vast. Continue reading
Our daughter Tamara visited our home last week,
Helping us do some things while we often did speak,
Of things we did together way back in the far past.
One thing we discussed was our imaginations so vast. Continue reading
The other day I found some old Post magazines,
In a bottom drawer where they could not be seen.
I looked through two of them and loved the old ads,
So I took some pictures of the ads just feeling so rad. Continue reading
This morning I got up at 5 AM for cataract surgery,
Reporting in at 6:45 AM for the doctor to work on me.
I had to fast with no food or water since the day before,
So I was not in a very good mood as I walked in the door. Continue reading
My fingers have been really twitching a lot lately,
So I’ll try one more blog as I feel just a little flaky.
Even though I can’t see very well, I’m going to try again.
Once more to calm those fingers with my iPad pen. Continue reading
For Hawg Jaw this is going to be the end of the line,
As my eye sight has declined and I am nearly blind.
It’s possible I could be back in the future with time,
If my Cataract surgery allows me again to see fine. Continue reading
I had just graduated college in 1966 working a while.
As Engineer for Phillips Petroleum Company in style,
I was rolling in the dough and shopping for a gift,
For my brother Craig for Christmas to give him a lif
Continue reading
I have always been a collector since I was just a boy.
At first it was marbles and those Craker Jack toys.
As I got older, it was postage stamps and arrow heads.
In later life, It was 33 1/3 rpm LP records that I collected. Continue reading
Down deep in our archives are some tough looking guys,
I’ve pulled out a few tough guys and a gal with mean eyes.
So prepare to meet some of our rough relatives right now,
As through this very latest new blog of mine, we do plow. Continue reading
I’ve had a lot of strange experiences in my long life,
Many of which have dealt me just a little bit of strife.
These short experiences are captured in this poem,
In single verses about things that kept me a going. Continue reading
I was looking at our old family picture archive today,
And noticed a lot of strange baby pictures on display.
Neither Pam nor I know who they may be from way back,
But I think most are from Pam’s side and that’s a fact. Continue reading