





We all have things we do that may seem strange,
That perhaps some people would ask you to change.
But since we all seem to be somewhat set in our ways,
I guess we’ll keep these idiosyncrasies to the end of days.










An idiosyncrasy is a very big word of many syllables,
Meaning” a strange behavioral trait peculiar to the individual”,
I guess we all have behavioral traits that may seem strange,
To others who observe us out there on the plains.








My brother in-law Pete, had this thing he always did,
Telling true stories of adventures from his life’s grid.
The stories were interesting as we went down the line.
But over the years, we heard the same stories several times.











I think that Pete just loves to share all of his experiences.
And to him it is a kind of a strong memory science.
This could be a behavioral trait particular to Pete.
Perhaps making this an idiosyncrasy as he does repeat.












My friend Monroe that lived down in Houston town,
Would fast 30 days to clean his internal body of brown,
By drinking only water and juice while he laid in bed.
He said towards the end he felt kind of like he was dead.












This seemed to be a little strange to me as we talked,
But he lost 80 pounds and he barely even walked.
And living expenses were low saving 30 days of food,
It seems it would be a bit boring though and not too good.








My grandmother Kendrick was a lady so very frail,
With a crippled back sometimes looking a little bit pale.
She sat in a big soft chair in her small living room.
Where I would sit and talk to her where she did bloom.

Thats the chair grandmother lifted off of to cut the cheese. She’s with Son, Mike, and Heather Kendrick.











Sometimes she would push up and lift off her butt,
And rip a big fart without warning from deep in her gut.
Then she would say “there’s more room outside than in”,
Which was a bit strange to this young man way back then.












When I was a younger man, the nails of my big toes,
Grew down into my meat causing me pain on the go.
I was digging them out and throwing them away.
And I noticed they were cool looking in their own way.












I started collecting those small chunks of my own self,
And putting them in a small container up on the shelf.
I ended up with a large collection of ingrown toe nails,
Could it be I have an idiosyncrasy myself, without fail?












My sister, JerrylDine, at age fourteen acted very wild,
When Elvis Presley hit the scene and the girls he riled.
I suffered a lot listening to Elvis 45s day and night,
Elvis changed the traits of all young girls wrong or right.











So I guess you might say Elvis himself was an idiosyncrasy,
As he caused all the young girls to act a little crazy,
With those peculiar behavioral traits like loud screaming,
What an impact that one man had with his fine singing.











By Bill







Thanks for reading Idiosyncrasies,