Famous Quotes


Famous Quotes


Some of my favorite quotes both old and new,
 Make a cute little poem just for you.
May these few memorable words of wisdom,
Stir up lost recollections in your brains kingdom.



Famous quotes



Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn” and you know it’s Rhett.
I’ll be Back” and the Terminator goes into a rage we can’t forget.
This looks Like JR’s work“, says Bobby on the ‘Dallas’ show.
Go ahead, make my day” and Harry’s ready to shoot, you know.


Have I got a deal for you.









Happy trails to you” and it’s Roy on the traill with Trigger.
“I’m back in the saddle again“, and it’s Gene Autry, I figure.
The name’s Bond, James Bond” and 007 is on the loose.
Life is like a box of chocolates“, it’s Gump with red tennis shoes.


I’m back in the saddle again.” .  Do you know my horse’s name?









Hello, I’m Johnny Cash” and soon  ‘Folsom Prison Blues’ starts.
Here’s Johnny“, Jack Nickelson makes fast beating of your heart.
How’s your hemorrhoids“, you’re talking to the infamous Bill.
Hi Ho Silver away“, it’s the Lone Ranger with Tonto on the far hill.


 “Here’s Johnny”  Do you know the movie this came from?








Play it again Sam” as Bogart leans on Sam’s piano so hot,
We’re not in Kansas anymore” then Dorothy in Oz is the plot.
Hasta La Vista, Baby“, the Terminator turns into a good guy.
May the force be with you“, Han Solo says to the young Jedi.


 Okay, Bogart actually said “Play it, Sam.”  Name the movie this quote was in.









I love the smell of napalm in the morning” and Duvall attacks.
Love means never having to say your sorry“, Ali Macgraw facts.
There’s no place like home.” as Dorothy taps her red heels.
Slippery little devils” the waiter says to ‘Pretty Woman’s appeal.


 What movie did Duvall smell napalm in?










After all, tomorrow is another day” Scarlet says towards the last.
You’re gonna need a bigger boat” Schnider says as ‘Jaws’ is vast.
We rob banks” Clyde said in the movie ‘Bonnie and Clyde’.
A boys best friend is his mother” Norman Bates said as she died.


 What movie did Norman Bates make his quote in?









Elementary my dear Watson” Sherlock says about the crime.
I feel the need..the need for speed” said Cruise, a ‘Top Gun’ line.
ET phone home” said extra terrestrial as he phoned his mother.
Toga! Toga!” said  Belushi as animal house partied like no others.


Name the movie I was in, if you can










All but one of the above are really famous quotations,
The not so famous quote is just a kind of silly little notation.
It’s up to you to find the quote I have slipped in to fool you.
I know it’s tough, but you’ll find it, if you read on through.

The one about hemorrhoids was really good.






  1.  Champion
  2. The Shining
  3. Casablanca
  4. Apocalypse Now
  5. Psyco
  6. E. T.



By Bill



Thanks for reading Famous Quotes,