Deep Sea Fishing

Deep Sea Fishing


Everyone needs to try Gulf of Mexico deep sea fishing at least once. If your trip turns out like ours did, you’ll likely think once is enough.


Deep Sea Fishing


In1982 when we lived in Houston, my wife’s parents were visiting. I talked to Pam’s Dad, PoPo, about taking a deep sea fishing trip to the Gulf of Mexico. He said he would love to go
so I booked us a deep sea fishing trip out of Galveston. The boat left at 5 AM so we had to get up and leave our house at 2 AM. All we had to bring was ourselves. The fishing gear, soft drinks, and sand witches for lunch were provided by the crew on the boat. The fishing boat was about forty feet long and six other fisherman accompanied PoPo and I on the trip. They told us when we left that the Gulf of Mexico was a little rough that day, but we had no idea what we had in store for us that day. We rode about about 60 miles out into the Gulf of Mexico and dropped anchor. There were 6 foot swells out there where we stopped to fish. The boat was rolling up and down continuously with the swells. They got the fishing poles out and placed a two pound lead weight on the line and a large hook with a chunk of cut fish bait on each one. With the rolling swells so high, the only way we could fish was to hook one arm around one of the 2 in diameter vertical pipes supporting the awning over the fishing areas, and hold the rod while we reeled with the other hand. After we fished for about and hour, the other 6 fishermen had barfed over the side and weren’t feeling too good. PoPo and I were doing pretty good and the only people catching fish. We caught 6 nice Red Snapper and one large Grouper between us. The hands on the deck cleaned all the fish on the trip back in and iced them down. When we got back to Galveston, we transferred the fish we caught to our icebox and headed for Houston. It took about 2 hours for us to loose the feeling we were still rolling on the waves. The next day we cooked some of the Snapper with fried potatoes and MaMo’s cole slaw. It was superb.


PoPo told me he thought one deep sea fishing trip in the Gulf of Mexico was enough for a life time. He said he preferred trout fishing in Colorado.




Fishing boat similar to the one we caught Red Snapper off of in the 6 foot swells in the Gulf of Mexico



Gulf of Mexico Red  Snapper  like the ones we caught on the roller coaster.



PoPo and MaMo about the age we fished the Gulf of Mexico while they were in Houston.



PoPo and I telling lies about who caught the biggest Red Snapper in his cabin in Colorado.





Thanks for reading Deep Sea Fishing,

Hawg Jaw Bill