Category Archives: Yucky Stuff

Fun Through The Years


Fun Through The Years



I scanned through an old photo book I found yesterday,
And pulled out a few old pictures in there along my way.
We had lots of fun in these moments captured in time,
That I have written about in this story poem blog of mine.





I’m so glad we took lots of pictures through the long years,
As they bring back special memories and some joy tears.
I think this is the reason I use pictures to help tell my story,
As I remember all the good times we had with all their glory.
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Yucky Me


Yucky Me

(Tall Tale)



Young boys have fun with things like boogers and farts,
I guess to them those yucky things are like real fine art.
I think old men with not too much to do during the day,
Remember those fun times we had then acting that way.




If you have a weak stomach when you read yucky stuff,
Stop right here because you have already read enough.
But likely you are curious now about what you will see,
And you will read on to see that awful side of “Yucky Me”.

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