Category Archives: Good Food Recipes

Hawg Jaw Nachos


Hawg Jaw Nachos


I’m a fast and easy, tastes good guy, when it comes to snacks,
So here’s a treat I whip up for Pam and I when a hunger attack
Shows up late at night while streaming in the “Blacklist” TV show,
That is a bit spicy, but it kills those old hunger pangs, you know. Continue reading

Hot Peppers


Hot Peppers


I saw a documentary on TV one time that really caught my eye,
About a small country’s people who ate hot peppers in their diet.
There had never been a case of cancer in their very long history,
I was intrigued and started eating  hot peppers to try to help me. Continue reading

Hog Jowl


Hog Jowl


It has been brought to my attention that the terms Hawg Jaw and Hog Jowl could in some circles be used interchangeably. Since the later is something good to eat in many southern circles, I have been considering changing my name to Hog Jowl Bill as this refers to good food whereas Hawg Jaw perhaps infers I have the Jaws of a Hawg. So just what is a Hog Jowl? Continue reading

The Good Life

The Good Life


During the early 1970’s shortly after Pam and I got married, we lived in Arroya Verde (out in the boonies at that time) in Fritch, Texas. We had one neighbor across the street and one on the street behind us. The area was brand new. Our time at this location turned out to be what I call the Good Life. Here’s the Story. Continue reading