Category Archives: Bachelor House

The Bachelor House

Bachelor House

From November 1967 to November 1968, my buddies and I lived in a bachelor house in Phillips, Texas. We sowed a few wild oats in those single years. The featured pictured is Monroe and I in the living room of our bachelor house in Phillips in our bikini underwear. We probably had had quite a few beers and were getting ready to go out when Bob took the picture. This is, I believe, the only picture I have from that year. I assure you that we were just good friends and nothing more. Continue reading

The Scrambler

The Scrambler


If you’ve never owned a Motorcycle, I recommend you try it at least once in your life. Recently,  old Buffalo Bob got him one and a few years ago my friend Gary got him one. They give you a natural high when your’re out there riding them. Here’s my Motocycle story from a while ago. Continue reading