A Final Tribute


A Final Tribute


When you lose friends and relatives in death, it hurts so much,
As you will never get to hug them again with your warm touch.
This poem is a tribute to two of the best men we have known,
As their wings they received and off to heaven they have flown.



A Final Tribute


In recent times, we have lost two very special men that have gone away,
I had thought they would always be out there and would never stray,
But unforeseen events have taken them from a life that they both loved,
And sent them to heaven to watch over us from their places above.




Buffalo Bob and Dale were both part of our family for many years.
When we lost them, Pam and I both shed so many of our tears.
Although time has helped heal our heart felt losses somewhat,
We still miss them and their smiling faces but see them, we cannot.




It was little things they did that we appreciated so much from them,
Like Dale’s phone calls to keep the Mickey Mouse Gang tuned in,
With all the latest news about the Gang’s health, we loved from him.
He was still our leader with all of his wonderful vigor and vim.




When we would call the Buffalo on the phone he would always say,
“Haaalloooow” in his loud booming voice always ready to play,
As we would be teasing each other right from the very start.
He dearly loved pulling a joke over on me, this wrinkled old fart.




It was inevitable that their lives would cross paths a few times,
As we did so much together with both of them down the line.
I’ve told the story of the Palo Duro Canyon trip in this blog before.
They were both there together in all their glory enjoying it more.




We went out to the White Horse Saloon that Buffalo knew well,
And drank, talked, and danced a little while raising a lot of hell.
Buffalo wore a straw hat and boots while Dale led the big group.
We had a wonderful time with that special Mickey Mouse troop.




That’s Buffalo Bob at the head of the table overseeing the activities at the White Horse Saloon in Amarillo. He’s got me moving tables. Some fun honky tonking is on the way. 





Buffalo, Dale, Paul, John, Howard, and I went to the Museum Saturday,
Buffalo always liked to drive so we went in his Suburban to play.
Dale headed our grand tour with his fine people directing skills.
We had a great time while the women shopped at their own will.




We met for supper at Bennigan’s later on our special fun day.
It was Buffalo Bob’s birthday, so we celebrated with drinks our way,
Dale chaired the festivities while we all had a really great time.
The Buffalo and Dale became compadres there as we did dine.




.Dale chairing the festivities at Bennigans while Buffalo Bob and Paul look on smiling in a happy mood.



The staff at Bennigans is singing a slightly embarrassed Buffalo Bob Happy Birthday. We were all singing too, you just can’t see us..




That evening we went out to Palo Duro Canyon to see the play “Texas”
Dale and Buffalo both loved the show with the cowgirls in dresses.
The next morning we drove to the rim of Palo Duro Canyon at 6 AM,
And had a cowboy breakfast right out there overlooking the rim.




We were out on the Rim of Palo Duro Canyon enjoying a breakfast cooked by Cowboys on an open fire. Dale is on the right and Buffalo Bob is on the left. They said it was some pretty darn good eatin’. ..



Buffalo thought the breakfast was one of the best he had ever had,
And Dale entered a cow chip throwing contest that was bad.
Tamara beat Dale as champion crap tosser, but he was still glad,
As he had the time of his life teasing her acting like he was mad.




Dale looking a little bit frustrated wondering how he was beaten by a young lady..





We loved our special Dale and Bob with all of out heart and soul.
It’s a shame that we all have to continue to age getting so old.
We still think of them often as we traverse through our days.
Seeing or hearing something that reminds us of their special ways.




By Bill


Thanks for reading A Final Tribute ,