The Stories End


The Stories End


They say that all good things must sometimes come to an end.
As my blog goal has now been achieved, I am shutting down again.
My story has been told with a few little extraneous tales to boot.
This poem will end my life’s story, so don’t the messenger shoot.




The Stories End


When I started blogging, I had no idea how far I would take it,
I might last a month or two or maybe a year before I would quit.
It’s been a long road and my life history has been covered well.
My future offspring will be able to meet me from my words I did tell.




Some of the things they read, they might not like to hear about,
But I gave them the story, good and bad, with nothing left out.
I don’t know too much about either of my granddads to this day,
But my great grandchildren will know exactly what I had to say.




I have left some of my heart in these words that I did write down,
Although I spend many hours writing, I will never wear a frown.
My Mom put her heart into her art, which reminds us of her so much,
It’s something she left us to remember the talent in her touch.




I hope the stories and story poems I leave will bring future joy,
For future generations of my family off spring, both girl and boy.
By the last time I took a blog break to rest, I had published 486 blogs,
I decided I would take the total to 500 to complete my life’s log.



This blog brings me right to up my ultimate blog life story goal.
So my story has been told from beginning until today from my soul.
The thing left now to be done, is for my girls to make hard copy books,
To be handed down to future generations of my family for a look.





I will leave this world feeling satisfied that my memories will remain,
To be read by all who wonder of the family from whence they came
Written in the words that came from my own heart and soul.
I guess this is the legacy that I leave from my own life’s toll.





So farewell to all that might have read some of my blogs to date,
As I shut this blog down and go on with my remaining life’s fate.
Thank you to all once again as I have stopped a few times before,
But this time is really for good, and I am closing this blog door.





.Old Hawg Jaw’s done shot the carrier pigeon so this old story teller’s a hanging up his quill.



Bye Bill



Thanks for reading The Stories End,
Hawg Jaw Bill for the last time. (Maybe) ?