Monthly Archives: May 2015




Sometimes watching television shows gets me to thinking about the subject matter of the show and I have some thoughts that are a little wild. The story today discusses one show in particular that gave me some ideas about lips. Continue reading




I think everyone has unforeseen problems with their homes that cost big bucks that they had no idea would occur. This messes up our budgets and puts us in a financial bind for a while, but we always seem to get through these times. I guess that’s just life. Here are a few of the problems we have run into. Continue reading

The Game

The Game


It’s the names of movies were looking for with this little ditty,
So read this closely while thinking real hard with no self pity,
And you may come up with the answers you’re looking for.
One movie answer should result for each verse and no more. Continue reading




There are a few things that we do over our life times that really make us miserable for a while. Fortunately, most of them are short time events and we recover quickly. Here are a few of my misery makers. Continue reading