Wonders Of Nature

Wonders Of Nature


When we were young and full of questions and energy for living
We explored nature to find out what wonders she was giving.
We found many strange and intriguing oddities out in the wild,
That gave us a lot of insights and ideas in our lives as a child.




Wonders Of Nature


One day I was chasing a cute little buzzing honey bee,
I caught him in my hand and he stuck his stinger deep into me.
It hurt a lot and began to swell as the bee fell down on my knee.
Once they sting, the bee dies, and will never again make honey.

I wondered why a single sting put the little bee in his grave,
It hardly seems fair that protecting ones self being so brave
Should end the life of the fuzzy little nectar sucker so fast
To never again pollenate another flower in his flight path.


The bee left his stinger in the hand of this victum but the bee is the real victum as he has given his life with this action.



I watched a female black widow spider on top of her web trap.
A tiny male black widow spider slowly approached her back.
He stroked her legs with his to get her to feeling in the mood,
Then mounted her and made vicious love looking a little lewd.

I could see a little grin on his face as he got off her big bod.
Then she turned on him quickly and paralyzed him for food,
And wrapped him up so she could snack on him in an hour or so,
It seemed a bit cruel to love and then kill, but what a way to go.




That was lovely dear, but I’m getting a little hungry now. I’ll tell the kids how tasty you were.




When I was young, I caught horny toads running along the road
Sometimes they would puff up looking like a little pup tent toad.
Many times after puffing, they would shoot blood out their eyes.
The blood stream would shoot about a foot spattering as it flies.

I ruined several tee shirts spattered by toads that were tense.
The blood was foul tasting and used as a predator defense.
I always just played with the horny toads for a short while,
Then freed them so they could again run loose in the wild.



My sister, JerryiDine, picked up a horned toad one fine day,
And he bit down hard on her little finger and there he did stay.
We heard rumors they would not let go until it thundered loud,
JerrylDine panicked because there was not even a single cloud.

My Dad came out to see what was causing all the big fuss.
He could see the toad hanging on her finger and he did cuss,
Damn girl, we’ll get that thing off, as he pulled out a Zippo lighter.
He lit it and held it under him. The toad quickly became a no biter




The Horned Toad in distress shooting blood out of his eyes as a defensive action.



The Doodlebug (Ant Lion) would make an ant trap in dry soil
By flipping his body until he had a deep hole the ant to foil.
The sides were steep of loose dirt so the ant could not climb up.
The Doodlebug unburied himself and had an ant on which to sup.

To have a little fun, we would catch a few ants in a small jar
And drop one into the hole that made the Doodlebugs lair.
The Doodlebug would catch and consume the ant with haste,
And there was never any ant left after he had eaten his first taste.



 The mean looking Doodlebug or Ant Lion looking for a tasty ant dinner.




A couple of Doodlebug ant traps ready for an ant to come by for dinner.




By Bill



Thanks for reading Wonders Of Nature,