Wall Eyed Pike
Living about 6 miles from a great Wall Eyed Pike lake definitely has it’s advantages. One evening at Lake Meredith, my dad and I experienced some of the finest fishing I have ever seen in my life. The story is given below. All of you seniors need to get out to any lake and drop a line in. Then drop me a line and tell me how you did.
Wall Eyed Pike
In May of 1976, I was a young engineer living in Fritch, Texas with my wife and daughters. My dear old Dad was the instrument and electrical supervisor at the Borger Refinery in Phillips, Texas. My dad had a 16 foot bass boat equipped with elevated chairs, a fish finder, a 60 Horsepower Johnson outboard motor, a 5 Horsepower fast trolling outboard motor, a small electric foot operated slow maneuvering motor, and a live well. About two or three nights a week, my Dad would call me after work to go out to Lake Meredith and fish for Wall Eye in the evening. This particular evening, we decided to go to the large rocky island on the North side of the lake about 4 or 5 miles up lake from the dam. We got to the island and we both tied on a heavy deep water lure called a Slab which looks like a silver shad minnow. We started maneuvering the boat in the deep water around the edges of the island and we both made our first cast. We both hollered almost simultaneous, “I’ve got a good one on.” As we were bringing them in, we could see three or four large Wall Eye in the clear deep water following the ones we had hooked. In about thirty minutes, we had a limit of 10 Wall Eye ranging from 2 to 4 pounds in the live well. We discussed the situation and decided we were having too much fun to quit. So we decided to keep fishing and replace the smaller fish in the live well with anything larger that we caught. We continued fishing about another hour and a half and ended up with 10 Wall Eye in the live well that weighed from 3 1/2 to 5 pounds. We were both exhausted and must have caught a total of 25 to 30 large Wall Eye that evening. Old Dad was about as hyped up as I have ever seen him. I will never forget this quality time with my Dad. We stopped by Deans 66 Filling Station in Sanford so my Dad would get his name on the morning radio fishing report. Then, we went to my house and filleted the Wall Eye. About two weeks later, we had one of the best fish fries we ever had.

This is me and my brother Craig with a nice stringer of Lake Meredith Wall Eyed Pike. Notice how I suckered him into holding all the weight.
Thanks for reading Wall Eyed Pike.
by Hawg Jaw Bill